Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Yes...Im still here!

Ok, so it is official! I am truly the worst blogger ever! Lol! This is not the first time that I have had to explain my where abouts...however, I am going to skip the long explanation of where we have been and what we have been up too (for it would be the longest blog post in history!) and sum it it with one simple fabulous word... "LIFE".
Life just sometimes gets in the way of up-keep of those little things...and yes my blog was one of them!
So just know... I am still here, all is amazing, just plugging away with everyday "LIFE" and enjoying every minute of it!

Living Life Creatively,
Michelle Marie

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Greatful for Family Day

Family Day 2011 - What a great day we had!
It seems like the older the kids get, the busier our lives seem to be. With John working away alot and Breydon working full time, still a full schedule of hockey for all four, three in school.. etc etc. It seems fewer and far between that all six of us end up together in the same place at the same time!

Family Day however, is an exception! We make sure we find the time. For me (and for the rest of my family Im sure)  it is a significant day that at one time in our lives we probably just thought of as another day on the calendar and perhaps even took for granted a little. 
On Family Day 2005, that changed. Family day for us has become something I am eternally greatful to be able to have the opportunity to share with my family. We don't always do something huge, its all about just being together and being fortunate enough to have that time together as a family and enjoying the little things.

Family Day 2005 (seems like yesterday sometimes) Breydon and I and our hockey team and families were on our team bus travelling home from a hockey tournamnent in Medicine Hat. We were just outside of Olds, when our bus lost control, swerved accross the highway and crashed into the Olds overpass on the opposite side of the highway of the QE2. 
There are a million little details surrounding that night that even today slightly surface leaving me with a numb feeling all over. Even now, if Stars air ambulance flys over, the smell of exhaust from a bus or that loud whoosh sound it makes, it takes me right back to that night. And to this very day, getting on a bus is difficult. And unfortunately with 4 kids in hockey, I have no choice but to board a bus now and then. 
Feelings of  anxiety and deep sadness for the wonderful man who lost his life in that crash. Remembering you always Durk for your kindness, support and generousity that you shared with our our boys. Also feelings of utter relief and happiness that we are here, which truly in itself is a miracle. A miracle that I am sure all who remember that night are greatful for.

For us now Family day is a day of miracles that we are eternally greatful! And for that very reason,
we make sure that at the very least we do something all together as a family on Family Day!
So we skipped hockey (yup we did - a game to boot! can you imagine?!!) and all of us started bright and early for a jamb packed quality day of family fun! John started our morning off with his ham n eggers and then we all loaded up and took off to Edmonton for the day. Colton who naturally doesnt function until much later of course loaded up with his blankie and pillow in tow...just like when he was little. lol!
Even though Edmonton is only 2 hours away for us, I cant believe how many times, even at this age, I heard them ask..."are we there yet? How much longer?" Lol  Kids will be kids!

It had been quite a few years for us since we were last at the waterpark, so it was a little different for John and I for we really didnt need to be following little people around. They all just took off! And then me and my camera had to go hunting for them! What a blast!!

We first found Breydon hidden in the corner of the hot tub.
Then we spotted Brook, Catie and Colton enjoying the wave pool!
The kids had an absolute blast! So did we. I think John and I were feeling a little bit old though for there was Nooooooo way we were going on the big waterslides! lol Not a chance!

Needless to say, after a few good long hours at the water park we were all exhausted! But not too tired to find some energy to do a little shopping, play some mini golf, then end off our day with a great dinner at
The Old Spaghetti Factory. (John's Fav!)
And naturally our trip home was not boring either. Breydon had us all doubled over in stitches all the way home with his crazy Jim Carey impersonations and amazing singing! (sarcastically speaking) It was hysterical!
It really was a great day! Thank you to my sweet honey and my fabulous kids for the wonderful day!
Love you all more than words can say.

Living Life Creatively

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Upcoming Scrappy Events!

Tis' the Scrapping season my fellow Creative Friends!
With all of the New & Exciting CHA products that are trickling into the stores, you just cant help but to be inspired! And what better way to express all of those creative juices and utilize all your new goodies than to attend some up and coming creative and motivating events!
This time of year there are so many Exciting and Inspiring Scrapbooking Events taking place that believe me you won't know how to choose! I thought I would help you out a little and suggest a few of my upcoming favorites. So whether you are in support of a wonderful cause, needing some creative inspiration, or just needing a relaxing and motivating weekend away. Here are a few fantastic scrapbooking events coming up, that trust me you wont want to miss! 

MARCH 4th - 6th   TOP SECRETS of Success

Two of my favorite people, Christy Riopel &  Allison Orthner have teamed up to bring you a jamb packed weekend full of their very best "Top Secrets" in both design and photography!

This event is taking place at the fabulous Scribbles & Giggles Scrap'n Adventure scrapbook store in
 Rocky Mountain House, Alberta. I cant wait!


MARCH 19th - 3rd Annual  CROP 4 KIDS!

Jennifer Rowsell and her team will again team up for a good cause in support of

You can visit http://www.crop4kids.blogspot.com/ for more information


APRIL 2nd - CROP FOR MEXICO and onsite Garage sale!

Join Allison Orthner and Team to crop and shop to help build homes in Mexico for families in need.



A Life changing Womens week-end Retreat promising to help you expore matters of the Heart.


This Alberta wide retreat is like no other you've experienced. An absolute must!
Visit Scrapbook Your Heart to Register

Living Life...Creatively!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Trust your JOURNEY

To all of the Soul Sisters out there who have dug deep into thier brave souls and trusted enough of themselves to embark upon this creative journey of
restoring thier soul houses.

Keep being Brave, Trust your Journey, 
YOU are so worth it!
If there is anything I have learned over this past few weeks, it is exactly that.

And what a journey it has been so far!

With a little Soul Restoration, I have learned that its ok to be me. And that all of the experiences in my life that have led me to now, whether good or bad
have made me who I am today.

With a little help, I have taken a real good look at what those experiences have brought me, have taught me and importantly...how they have defined me.
Without them, I would never have learned the things I know now. Who knew at the time I was being provided with the necessary tools to guide me in the right direction on Lifes Journey? And even though I didnt know it at the time, looking back, as hard as it may sometimes be, I am greatful for it now.

So trust your Journey, your story is important no matter how difficult. Change is necessary...embrace it! And remember to live your truths...they define you.

Living Life Creatively,

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011 - Time for Restoration!

By the title of this blog post, I can only guess that most people that know me assumed I was going to provide you with a boring old update about the on-going renovations/restoration of my big bad ol' house.

NOPE! Not even close. This is way more exciting!
Today, myself and women from all over the world will be taking some time to do some
much needed Soul Restoration!

Soul Restoration is an online workshop developed and taught by Melody Ross and brought to you by the Brave Girls Club.
So what is Brave Girls Club? Brave Girls Club is a worldwide online community of women who all share a common goal...
to live the best possible life we can!

Melody Ross and her sister Kathy Wilkens have graciously shared with us thier hearts and souls to bring women all over the world together...
"to change the world one brave girl at a time" - Melody Ross

These fabulous sisters of Brave Girls Club host an all inclusive, life changing, 5 day womens retreat known as Brave Girls Camp. This is offered to women all over the world.  For those of us who more than anything would love to attend one of these retreats but unfortunately cannot...we are thrilled to be able to be given the opportunity to take this online workshop. Its like the next best thing! Brave Girls Club has brought us...Soul Restoration.
This fun-filled, life changing online workshop starts today and I cannot wait to start! I am sooooo excited! As I am sure the Brave Girls all over the world are as well.

Soul Restoration ~ Brave Girls Club

For those of you who so wanted to hop on board this adventurous ride and missed the train this time around...dont worry! Brave Girls Club will be offering this amazing online workshop again come April 2011.
Registration for the April workshop will be open January 18th, so be sure not to miss out!
Please visit here for more information surrounding
Soul Restoration and Brave Girls Club.

To ALL the Canadian Brave Girls out there!!
Christy Riopel has created for us our very own Canadian Brave Girls Group
Join in and all of us Canadian women can brave together in this Life Changing Adventure!
(Thank you Christy)

Thank you, Melody and Kathy! Women from all over the world have been blessed with this fabulous opportunity and I am sure you are both very excited for this new journey.
Good Luck and Thank you for sharing this wonderful gift with all of us.
